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Posts posted by Sinkliner

  1. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:138499881
    Date of Ban: 20/04/2019
    Length of Ban: Permanent 
    Offense: 5 Bans
    Banned By: Keltor
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Because I understand what i did was wrong I openly admitted I felt bad about my actions however whilst explaining this I told the honest truth and I got silenced and muted. I swear that I will never ever minge on the server ever again. Please may I be given another chance. I have been banned for quite some time now and believe it is time for me to return as I have learnt the errors of my ways in this time and I regret doing harm to the community.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Zensras said:



    I have rarely seen Keltor make a mistake, but the fact you have multiple arrests for MRDMing,  Mic Spamming,  and all around mingey behavior tells me that your not being serious about this.


    19 arrests of this.  19 arrests. 

    I never said he made a mistake, I simply meant he silenced me during my ban and didn’t allow me to speak 

  3. My friend, is someone who I played with who I encouraged to join the server to go awol. However his game crashed after dying therefore when taken to a sit he had to restart his pc therefore he got falsely banned on account of LTAP

    53 minutes ago, Josh Schneider said:


    I wonder who this friend is hmmm


  4. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner
    Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:138499881
    Date of Ban: 20/04/2019
    Length of Ban: Permanent 
    Offense: 5 Bans
    Banned By:  I am not sure his name, but he was a Jedi Elder Knight also a High Up Admin
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Because I understand what i did was wrong I openly admitted I felt bad about my actions however whilst explaining this I told the honest truth and I got silenced and muted. I swear that I will never ever minge on the server ever again. Please may I be given another chance.
    Evidence to support your claims: No evidence just a plea for one more chance. Thank you.



    • Disagree 2
  5. 40 minutes ago, Dragon said:

    As for the LTAP, you left the server as soon as the ship exploded however you did come instantly. I had already entered the ban before you had returned and i just redid the ban when you came back. As for the MRDM and FailRP, you shot the guns of the ship at the people on the landing pad before crashing it into people and killing several of them.


    I assure you I came as soon as I could. I’m sure you are aware it takes sometimes a few minutes to get back onto a server. Apologies in respects to the deaths I was not aware my crash killed them. I was trying to fly it up but it was in the ground and then exploded 

  6. 10 minutes ago, KanZ said:

    I know that I'm dead, but I think it would be best to hear from the banner's perspective point of view on this matter.





    Now I got back to tomb now.

    Unfortunately I do not know the name of the guy apart from his lore name blitz

  7. 1 hour ago, IKE said:

    Neutral your story sounds legit with the flying glitch and how you would be upside down. I see why you got banned for L2AP as t did look like that. Do you have any witnesses to to back it up? If so I'll plus 1.

    Actually if you wish to investigate further I believe one was highly involved in the event being a scout pilot in the ship

  8. 1 minute ago, IKE said:

    Neutral your story sounds legit with the flying glitch and how you would be upside down. I see why you got banned for L2AP as t did look like that. Do you have any witnesses to to back it up? If so I'll plus 1.

    I am sorry I do not know the names I think it was like some 327th or the Medical Battalion but they saw me crash however the names I do not know I am sorry

  9. RP Name/Steam Name: Sinkliner
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:138499881
    Date of Ban: 14/01/2019
    Length of Ban: 10 Days
    Offense: MRDM, Fail RP and LTAP
    Banned By: Blitz
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: I would like the ban shortened or lifted because I believe my actions were misunderstood. What I did was 100% wrong as I decided to go into a star-fighter and start flying about and shot a little, then ending up crashing into the main bay (I am pretty sure I did not kill anyone which contradicts the MRDM charge which I do not agree with. As well as the LTAP, that was not an intentional ltap as clearly I came back within a minute. The reason I left in the first place was because when you crash in a ship and it is at an angle/upside down you need to re log as it makes your player upside down. Therefore I did this and when I came back I got banned for these reasons. I completely agree with the other charge of fail rp but I did not get a chance to explain myself and feel I was banned just on the spot with no questioning DESPITE seeing blitz past me and directly see me 30 seconds before.
    Evidence to support your claims: Unforunatley I do not have evidence and the most you could do were to check logs and things to see but I am sorry you will have to take my word for this. I am an honest individual however so please hear me out.

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