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Gret Briddlehide

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Posts posted by Gret Briddlehide

  1. +1

    I knew leaving Fox in the disheveled state I was in that you would do better than me in the more popular aspects. I was never aiming to be a popular Fox, that was never my reasons for running for it. I was the living blueprint of ancient CG, a relic of a regime that worked. I had memorized every system and rule that was created when I was around for my two years of service, and that was what was needed after all of them broke from a massive power vacuum. I was brought in/volunteered out of retirement to unfuck the battalion out of a wipe, and that is what I did alongside Anderson and Korm, rest his soul. As soon as all the problems with broken systems and spec's were fixed and a stable officer corp was in place, I left the mantle to you. I remember the day we had that talk about what needed doing now, things I couldn't do during my terms. I told you that you had all of the stable foundations that you needed to continue building up CG into a great empire once again, and you did not disappoint me in the slightest. CG seems to respect you now like they did back during CG's golden ages many Foxes ago, although through different methods. Back then, that respect was garnered from a projection of strength, dependability, and rigid discipline. Now, they respect you for projecting kindness, understanding, and a willingness to adapt, something equally as important that I knew I could never do myself, ruthless, stubborn, and broken as I was.

    You have made CG your own and made quite the accomplishment with it, while honoring the many good people who have come and gone in CG, doing their part in making it a better place. If no-one else will say it like I know they've never said it before, I am truly proud of all the work you have done, my friend. Hard work is easily overlooked in this place, but let there be at least one person who recognizes the dedication you put forward, for better or for worse. It can be as little as one person who says "Good Job" that can keep a Fox going, I know it worked on me during my low points. You have many trials ahead of you, but even more left behind you now. You have a bright future ahead of you, CG has a bright future under you, and the server will always remember you for your service.

    Good luck, Odric.

  2. +1

    The man I am leaving CG to now. I did well in my first term, reviving the battalion to nigh glory days, but then it tapered off because of my inability to stay active to the same degree as my first term. College, stress, shyness, and very much towards the end, lack of enjoyment. I did what I set out to do, fixed the command corp so it can fix itself, but I can't stick around any longer than I have to now or my life will take a hit for it. You got a few good officers to start your term with and many more promising candidates on the way up, a solid Commander at your side, along with plenty of fresh recruits spilling in by the day.

    People will probably trash me for the end of my second term while completely ignoring the good that I did before then, which is say la vie, but you are gonna have a much better start than I did this time around. I believe in you to make the best of it and succeed where I failed in the end. I wish you the best of luck buddy.

  3. 7/10 - I really liked that we were able to use our new interrogations now. The event jobs were really good with improvising the RP and getting immersed. The only problem was that the event jobs being toxic in the cell was really wearing down the CG's patience to the point where they were like "get lost assholes". They didn't take it personally, but it was just really annoying to listen to a pure stream of toxic ranting.

    • Agree 1
  4.  Steam Name: Gret Briddlehide

    RP Name: Battalion Commander Fox

    Steam ID (SteamID Finder): STEAM_0:1:146566374

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Coruscant Guard Battalion Commander Fox

    How many terms you've held the position?: 1

    Why do you wish to maintain this position?: A mothers work is never done. I can do one more term to get the battalion squared away before I am ready to call it quits. The high command is in a much more stable position now, but still incomplete in its current state. That and the projects I have started aren't finished quite yet.

    Current availability: At current moment, I am fully available in afternoons or late at night 1-12 PM PST, but that might soon change with College coming up. I am not one of those people who stresses about timing and such, but I don't want to suffer so I think I'll be on afternoons 12-5 PM PST. I am always accessible either by Discord or in Teamspeak.

    What have you achieved within your battalion/squad during your past term?: 

    Stabilizing the Officer Corp. Back in the beginning of my term, there were only two "active" officers and 3 total. It has improved since up to 4 active officers and 7 total. I have been carefully examining the people in running for officer positions and promoting them accordingly. Throughout my term there have been about a dozen people who get to CSM, and then stop because they can't show any officer material. Bad leadership, power hunger, situational bias, bad attitudes. They may have been good NCO's to get to that point, but not the cut to be a leader of others.

    Reworking the Tracker Branch within CG to be Most Wanted Manhunters. The evolution of Trackers over a long period of time brought them to a more text RP oriented branch, which people quickly lost interest in. Not saying all text RP is bad, but the tracking RP without any practical applications was extremely stale. So I shook things up and began the talks about manhunting. The timing with the bounty hunter most wanted list coming out and the idea for manhunting was great, because it allowed me to build it off of a basis, the hunting of Most Wanted individuals. Now I have given Trackers a practical use of RP by having them talk and interact with Bounty Hunters on the server, fulfilling their role and RPing as Military Police.

    Reworking the Pilot Branch within CG to be an Airborne Combat role. When I got Fox, pilots had 0 occupants. Nobody was interesting in being a taxi man, so I shook things up. Now it is up to 4 occupants that are excited to be an Airborne Combat trooper. An Airborne Trooper in CG is a pilot who has training in LAAT hot-drops, paradropping, and small force tactics behind enemy lines. This is basically a hybrid role between flying ships and being a ground trooper in the best way possible combining Air and Ground tactics.

    Bringing CG numbers back around from the brink at the beginning of my term. Back when I came back to the battalion, it went all the way down to 12 active members and a consistent 1-4 on server. Now we are at a stable 24 active people with quite a few still on LOA or ROA for the season and a consistent 2-9 on the server everyday.

    !! These past few weeks many people, up to 80% of the battalion, went on LOA and ROA for Christmas and festivities. There is nothing to be done about that without violating one of the unalienable rights of the United States, the pursuit of happiness. Some people might do it, but I won't. !!

    Leading from the front, keeping rules enforced both in CG and on the server fairly, and being available to talk about rules and disputes. I have had a great many meetings with people, whether they be about rule disputes, rule revisions, arrests, or battalion related. I have always been open to talking about things, but perhaps what my biggest quirk is that I have a core principle that the decisions I make are the decisions that I should be making. Convincing me to change my mind rarely works and my failures should be a result from the decisions I made alone, not because of other people pressuring me to do something. In shorter words, I believe decisions should be made based from your intuition, not others, especially when it comes to leadership. I believe in my own ability to run a battalion, make my own decisions, and make my own failures which I learn from. Many people dislike this way of thinking but it is my own.


    What improvements or changes do you plan on making within your battalion/squad?:

    Finally piecing together the final parts of the CG High Command. We have two people in the running for CMD spots. If they keep active and doing good work, they will get there. Once I have secured the basis for the command structure, I can then search for a good XO.

    Seeing the changes to the branches through to completion. I have begun the work on them, now I want to see it done right all the way through so people can enjoy the finished product. There are only a few things left to do before they are finished and once those are done I can work on new issues that arise or have arisen. I have people working on both docs and ideas, earning themselves good merit.

    Governing the battalion well and overseeing the future of the battalion. Pretty simple with making sure things run smoothly and keeping people doing their jobs. I am always open if you want to report someone for not doing their job, talk about things, or discuss rules and regulations. I will continue to do my work until I can safely say the battalion is in a safe position, leaving it in capable and trustworthy hands so that I don't have to come back to it being in a decayed state again.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes.


    As always, be civil. If there are some things I am missing or need to clarify, let me know in a polite manner.

    • Agree 1
  5. 8/10 This was definitely the weaker of the two parts, mostly because nothing in it necessarily screamed uniqueness after that incredible space battle. Even still, I had a blast just pushing forward with my troops like true Shock Troopers. I loved that some of the vehicles were spawned to let the people who trained for them actually do something with them. The props and ideas for the teleporters were great and very atmospheric.

    This is still some top notch stuff and I loved it.

  6. 10/10 One of the most fun events I had since the Kamino invasion Event where AI actively pushed across bridges and assaulted defense blockades across the city. The space battle, since there were only three CG on, WAS PHENOMENAL! I was having so much fun just being a part of a flight team that was actively getting engaged by adaptive vulture droids. Even the taking off sequence kept me so in the moment it was AMAZING. The boarding action got a little crowded, but it still kept me in the mood and amazed at the depth the makers went through.

    Do stuff like this more, this is top quality planning and RP.

  7. Steam Name: Gret Briddlehide

    RP Name: CMD Stone

    RP Rank: CMD

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:146566374

    Battalion or squad you are applying for: BCMD Fox

    Coruscant Guard/Shock Troopers
    I have been in CG for my entire time on the server, which is a little over 2 years now. Nearly one of those years was spent as a CMD/XO of the battalion, creating new systems and keeping the battalion together. I began my journey roughly two years ago when Repent had left the battalion destitute.

    Shakes’s 2 Terms:

    From there, I learned how to be a vigilant Enlisted, an extremely efficient NCO, a knowledgeable SNCO, and a wise Officer under Shakes as Fox. With the requirements back then, I made it to WO in about 1-3 months. When I hit 2ndLT, that was when my drive for training the battalion started. With the deficit in trainings back then, I was the main one hosting them until I sucked up the courage and proposed a Training Branch in the battalion. I created the docs, I created the Discord channels, and I ran the branch for a good few months until I hit commander. With my duties as a commander and mental health problems rising, I could no longer perform my Training duties efficiently,  thus the branch was scrapped with no worthy successors.

    Une’s Term:

    As a CMD and Stone, I learned how to manage people's problems and how to dish out punishment decisively throughout my time under Une as Fox. I like to think that I was fair, yet unforgiving as a commander I gave people the chances they needed to change properly and if they squandered it, there was no more mercy afterwards.

    Ratio’s 2 Terms:

    Then came Ratio’s turn to become Fox. Oh boy. He offered me the position of XO because he knew that I would be the counterbalance for him, as every XO should, but he also understood the problems I was going through back then. I accepted his offer and he was right, we did great things during our time together. I kept him from making mistakes and he put his foot down on my own weaknesses. After a long, successful, and extremely stressful term and a half, me and Ratio entered retirement, leaving Slump to run the battalion as the next Fox. If there is anything I have learned during Ratio’s term as Fox, it is that a dynamic team, XO and BCMD, can lead the battalion to great success. Conflicting ideas and beliefs can spark innovation and compromise.

    I disappeared for the next year finishing school until I resurfaced recently reaching out to Anderson to try and help save my CG boys. He offered me my old CMD rank back to help with stabilizing the battalion because there was quite literally no command left. Since then, I have been working on keeping the battalion fun and maintaining discipline all the while also maintaining my personal life and health.

    Sorry if it may seem short to people, but my writing style is short and to the point.

    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:

    I have the leadership experience and skills required to lead this battalion. I rejected the run before because I was burnt out and going through major mental issues, but now I have come back to see CG succeed once more. CG has recovered much under the leadership of Anderson, Korm, and myself from its desolated state. Now all that needs doing is recreating the High Command of CG to keep the battalion afloat. I want to save my battalion, there doesn’t need to be any bigger or more special reason. In my opinion, promising to change something when things don’t need changing is a good way to end up with something worse than what you started with. Too many people do it and too many people fail. CG needs more than just a leader who hopes they can make the battalion better, they need a leader who can get the job done.

    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    The Coruscant Guard are an elite battalion of the Clone Army tasked with the security and defense of Coruscant herself. They were led by Commander Fox, Commander Stone, Commander Thorn, and Commander Thire. Some more of the lower lore characters were Mack (the CG pilot and Diplomatic Service member), Hound (the Tracker SGT), and Rys and Jek (the Diplomatic Service members). Diplomatic Services was a branch of the Coruscant Guard that served as the bodyguards of the Senate during dangerous outreach missions.

    Availability: Most days for about 1-6 hours. I need to do adult stuff every now and again.

    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?: 2 years

    Do you have a microphone?: Yes.

    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?:

    I want to see CG back into the stable position I left it in when I am ready to leave Fox. There is not a whole lot else as the main problems of CG were dealt with by Anderson when he was acting regent of the battalion. So my primary goals are to secure a stable command structure and ensure the battalions continued survival. Maybe do a little spring cleaning while I am at it refreshing good docs that have been left to rot and testing new ways to RP.

    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?:
    Of course, I would expect nothing less.

    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?:



    There is wisdom in our past and lessons to be learned, from both the good and the bad. I have a lot to live up to, I hope that I don’t disappoint.

    I will learn from your critiques, but do please be civil about it if you want me to listen.

    • Friendly 2
  8. My favorite memory of him was the time when he started calling me Gert because I had slurred my words when I was tired. He was always funny, always loyal. He was a friend of CG and a damn good man all the way to the end. I wish him good luck in whatever awaits him on the other side and my condolences to you and your family for this loss.

  9. +1 I have equal amounts of praise to say about both candidates. Honor, compassion, justice, equality. This is only a beginning of the qualities I have seen in Centurion during my time. You couldn’t ask for a more loyal trooper to follow you into the grimmest of battles or the darkest of times. He has been in CG longer than anyone except for Ragen, his experience unquestionable. Dedicated to the success and interests of the battalion, I believe that he would perform incredibly as a Fox. Someday, I hope to serve under either one of these candidates again. You and I have been there and back buddy, let’s see CG enter the glory days again.

    • Friendly 1
  10. +1 I like both candidates, both hold integrity, honor, and a solid backbone. All things necessary to be a good Fox. I have known Holo for about as long as he has been in CG, as I think he was only recruited two weeks prior to me. All through his career as a trooper, I have seen him get knocked down, then get back up again afterwards. That takes dedication. Every time he got back up, he wowed the audience with his performance. Since my resignation, I have seen that he hasn’t disappointed me at all. He has been an active role in keeping CG alive, he is a steadfast commander, and a good Executive.

    • Friendly 1
  11. This seems like it should have been thoroughly diplomatically discussed with the proper authority’s before this was posted. The fact that this was posted superseding any forewarnings shows me that you didn’t even want to give the management a chance to do their job, which seems both unreasonable and unfair towards the current CG management. Also controlling the arrests is what makes CG unique at all, otherwise they just wouldn’t fit in and have the most absurdly boring job in existence: talking to senators all event. Humongous -1, it would kill off the battalion faster than you could make the announcement. Unless substantial evidence is provided to the contrary, my vote will not change. I once managed a respected, dutiful, and strict Shock battalion and as far as I know they still carry out their duties to the server.

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