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Everything posted by Eli.s

  1. +1 ive worked with this man for along time and he his very chill too
  2. RP Name: TR CG ARCT MED SFC Cerberus Steam ID:STEAM_0:0:100401134 VIP (Y/N): Y Age:17 Timezone:Central Time Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to assist and help my fellow comrades and being able to assist with bans dupes and other needs of BCMDs or others and im mostly on late at night so I could help around then as well and I like almost everybody and I would like the experience.Also I would love to be as helpful as possible Thank you for your time reading this Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): My IRL name is Eli and I am 17 yrs old and I am Apart of CG And im very chill and laid back. I would also like to state that I hope I get admin to become a better person. And I would like to be the best to my abilities. I can also get along with others very well and I can solve problems efficiently aswell. Do you have any previous staff experience?yes But on a Different server I was a Owner co owner and assistant admin for a halo rp server How much Play time I have 288 Hours on and counting
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