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Posts posted by Vint

  1. RP Name: RANCOR ARC CPT Fordo

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:86026880

    Age: 16

    Timezone: MT

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I spend a lot of time on the server during dead hours when events aren't happening, and people are getting merk'd with LD-1's in Free For All sims. Sometimes doing training with your battalion isn't enough to fill in that gap, and the server gets sleepy. I was staff in the past, and I was a Vet Admin for a month and a half when I was BCMD Colt, and I spent a lot of time helping with events, training, and tickets during downtime. I don't fuck around with staff duty, and It's actually pretty fun despite the pain in the ass it can sometimes be. Another big reason for joining staff is because I see people asking for sim dupes all the time, and are left on read by admins who are either AFK or just don't want to be bothered with spawning some props. This bothers me, especially when I wait for 30 minutes in a hangar only to never get any response from staff. Whether or not it's their fault, I could be a big help regarding doing the jobs that other staff choose to ignore, or are not present for. I have fun on this server, and I have fun supporting it, so I'd like to be able to directly help the community with staff work. And NPC sims, don't forget about those.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I'm a RANCOR nationalist who has been an ARC trooper for about a year and a half. I was Colt for 5 months on IceFuse, and I became BCMD Colt when Synergy was launched. I came back to the server a few weeks ago after a long vacation, and I'm on every day. My main focus when playing GMod is constant improvement, whether that be in my battalion or myself. I have most of my fun during pvp and events, otherwise, training my troops is my focus. I don't deal with bullshit, and I'm also haunted with the alias 'Squeaker' after Medic commended me in his farewell speech saying I was "a little bit on the sqeaker side". ( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)

    Do you have any previous staff experience?: Yes, back when I was on IceFuse I became Admin over the course of 4 or 5 months, and I immediately became an Admin on Synergy when the server came out back before Senior Admin was a thing. I soon after became a Vet Admin, and held my rank for a month and a half, eventually joining Game Makers, and soon thereafter left the server and resigned from staff for a while.

    How much playtime do you have on the synergy server? (You must have a minimum of 75 hours of in game playtime on the server to apply for new admin. Make a staff ticket in game so that you can figure out your playtime if you think you are close) : IDK if my server playtime was wiped but I have about 800 hours total on the server, and over 100 hours in the past two weeks. The vast majority of those hours are active, because I don't like to leave my computer under constant stress while AFKing, even if it's minimal stress.

  2. Name: RANCOR Battalion CMD Colt/Vint

    Reason for Stepping Down: I'm not going to be gone forever, I'm still gonna be a CMD in the battalion, I just found that GMod isn't worth the amount of time that I put into it, so I'm gonna play it less, and I'm gonna do other things more. This isn't a farewell post, you'll still know me as Colt, I'll still be around, I'll still be finless, so nothing much will be changing.

    Date of Full Resignation: 10/2/17

    My recommendation to replace me is Havoc/Vex, he is the best option to keep the battalion healthy.

  3. I would say join RANCOR, but I need to see that you would join to show dedication to the battalion, and not just for the skin. Don't get me wrong @Medic, I love you even though you called me a squeaker, but I don't want troops who join RANCOR just because someone told them to. In my honest opinion, you shouldn't ask for people to tell you which battalion to join because your own enjoyment comes from your experience and dedication to the battalion. Joining a battalion that you don't have any specific interests in becomes boring. So my advice is to pick whatever seems the best to you, and not to other people who just want you there.

    • Agree 1
  4. Name: RANCOR Batt Commander Colt

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:8602688


    How long have you Played on the Server [Hours]: I've got 1300 Hours including Icefuse, 300 or 400 hours not including Icefuse. I get an average of about  5 hours per day. I have 86 hours in the past 2 weeks and that number is slowly growing.


    From 1-10, what would you rate your knowledge of the Clone Wars?: 6/10, I may have never seen a Star Wars movie, but I'm not gonna make an event that is not accurate to lore. I'll do research before starting a story.


    How good are your Communication and Leadership Skills?: Well, I've been Colt for 6+ months and BCMD since Synergy launched. I also have taught over 300 troopers leadership through a few different methods during my time as Hammer and as Colt. As far as communication, I take that as part of leadership. Communication is one of the most important factors in leading, or in managing a group. So I think my Communication and Leadership are pretty good.

    Do you understand that if you are Inactive, you will be removed from the program?: Yeah, I understand.


    Give us an Event Idea that you would like to Produce: This event is pretty straight forward and easy. It would be shoot 'em up with a dabble or two of RP. I don't want to make anything too complex yet. 2 Mad scientist Hutts crash into one of the Hangars. They both want to test out their new creations, genetic experiments (Literally Just all of the Zombies, some antlions and some players as geonosians and maybe Massifs) to see how quickly they can kill an entire ship. The genetic experiments will basically kill everything they can because that is their only purpose. Once the genetic experiments die out, the Hutts realize that their experiments are a catastrophic failure, and they try to escape the ship. The rest of the event is up to the troops. They can take the Hutts in for interrogation, they can kill the Hutts, or maybe the Hutts will somehow escape. I will possibly work on a part 2 based on how the event plays out. I want to make this event because I want to use zombies without it being the cliche "OMG THE INFECTION IS SPREADING, GO MAKE A CURE" because that's all of the Zombie events are. It makes sense, but it gets bland. I want to make it a little more fun than the classic.

  5. On 9/11/2017 at 5:27 AM, Extinzion said:

    1 question though, I did all the ARC trainings when I was in Rancor (was in Rancor from IFN to the start of synergy on kachiro). Am I still qualified or do I have to redo them?



    You DONT have to redo them.

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