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Posts posted by Todd

  1. 26 minutes ago, Zodiac said:

    Regardless of disability, there are rules, the trainer did his job, Blank did his. He shouldn't be punished for doing his job. Grow up and speak to him about it if you have an issue regarding his decisions. Big -1

    The dude banned a disabled kid trying to have fun on the server nice one

  2. RP Name: 41st ARCT EC MED 2ndLT Todd

    Steam ID:  STEAM_1:0:232894624

    Staff member you are reporting: Vet Admin Blank

    Staff Members Steam ID (If applicable): STEAM_0:0:39074250

    Staff Members Wrong-Doing: He banned CT PVT BlackShip without knowing the reason behind it. A kid had Asperger and wanted to play on the server. He was crying because he didn't under stand the rules and said in OOC so no order 66. And his trainer begged to not ban him. A admin went to the trainer to talk about it and Blank banned him for 7 days without knowing the situation. And said it was his job and it was the trainers fault.

    Explain the situation: 


    "I was just training a CC, he had Asburghers, he was crying on the mic when he didn't understand faces, he told me that when he played COD people were rude to him nonstop, he considers himself a household, I had tears running down my cheeks, and when I was reading him the RP rules abot order 66, he put up in chat "So no order 66?" in the chat, I started spamming PLEASE DONT BAN HIM I BEG YOU in the chat, an admin came to me so I started explaining, he understanded but someone else banned him.....I'm crying right now, this guy just wanted to play normally" By Arcann his trainer

    Evidence (If applicable):  Same picture from the ban appeal.

  3. RP Name/Steam Name: CT PVT Blackship

    Steam ID: 

    Date of Ban: 8/3/18

    Length of Ban: 7 days

    Offense: Saying order 66 in /ooc

    Banned By: Blank

    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: Arcann was training him and this happened.

    I was just training a CC, he had Asburghers, he was crying on the mic when he didn't understand faces, he told me that when he played COD people were rude to him nonstop, he considers himself a household, I had tears running down my cheeks, and when I was reading him the RP rules abot order 66, he put up in chat "So no order 66?" in the chat, I started spamming PLEASE DONT BAN HIM I BEG YOU in the chat, an admin came to me so I started explaining, he understanded but someone else banned him.....I'm crying right now, this guy just wanted to play normally.

    Evidence to support your claims: The evidence part_1.jpg



  4. +1 if you take someone rights away for something they said that’s questionable also that’s what he though was right and I don’t blame him it’s only a rumor tho but that’s how a republic works we don’t have to like each other that’s how the real world works  and the game works if you -1 do realize that if you do so he can never come back and that should not happen I don’t think he should have been banned in the first place sense he stated his opinion and got banned I thought we left Icefuse but being to pussy is all to well here and that’s what we fought to get rid of but for me it hasn’t changed and now we are hanging side by side with Icefuse or worse they have moved on and they don’t care but we still do we need to stop these grudges and petty ways and live or life not getting but hurt by a claim someone else says if you are a real man you would talk it out about the statement and work threw I though we was better than Icefuse but I think not. 

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