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Everything posted by Bippy

  1. Currently there is 26 people on the sever and only 5 of them are Jedi, i'm still getting 7 FPS constantly, I don't think it's the jedi that are the problem.
  2. I'm pretty sure it is the new system, i was on when there were only 40 people on and i still got 7 FPS
  3. I hope I'm not the only one with this problem!
  4. And this is on the Star Wars RP server ^
  5. Ever since i joined the server which was 3 days ago my FPS has been 7 constantly, but the very first day my FPS was 50. On other servers my FPS is 50. I'm sure you guys have already heard of this issue. I'm just wondering if you guys are working and trying to fix this problem. Currently this server is unplayable for me and i really want to play and participate on this server. I haven’t been able to do anything. All I've been doing is talking to people in the bunks lobby and not doing anything else. I hope you find a resolution to this problem and fix it. Thanks, Bippy
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