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Everything posted by Knight

  1. Name: knight (its phantom on the server, trying to change name) Suggestion: to introduce a new group of RC onto the ship. Ion squad of the 212th 2AD. I was watching a couple of lore and legends videos including clones that disobeyed order *beep*, and more. Implementation: SWRP Lore: Mentioned at 7:30 Workshop content if applicable: (If no workshop content, suggest a developer or put "Require Development") requires development. Its my first time making one of these If you are asking to add or change a job, fill out the following Add or Change: add an RC battle group consisting of the four Ion squad commandos and possibly the jedi that they worked with Job: Ion Squad Republic Commandos Model: no model atm, but there is a pretty good idea of what they looked like in the video above. The captain with red, black, orange, and whit and the others with black and orange. Weapons: each commando is equpped with the Republic Commando blaster that all the other standard RC troopers aquire. I think it would be appropriate to have them equipped with jetpacks or hex shields. You can decide. Also, maybe they can have the standard DC-15s for close quarters. Captain klimer: equiped with the republic shotgun and thermal detonaters. Trace: equipped with the RC shotgun and possibly the republic sniper or some other sniper we have on the server Roz: equipped with a medkit and hex shields and standard equipment Unknown trooper: not much is known about this guy, but my idea is that he could be the heavy possibly with the RC shotgun, the RPS-6, and breaching charges or detonaters. Other: health set to 500 and 250 armor. Can detect cloaked enemies. Ect. -understand that this is my first time making one of these. Please correct me if im wrong on anything. -phantom
  2. Yeah... the TRO wouldn't of heard it if I was allowed to have my computer and desk in my room. But parents wont let me A. Because my room already has enough stuff in it B. They dont trust me. They think i will stay up all night playing Gmod
  3. Hello everyone, For those of you who don't know me, I am Knight, a JT of the 41st Elite Corps. I joined back about a month or two ago and I feel like this server is amazing. I am training people, people are usually nice and you have an amazing staff team that is helpful and friendly. However, I have a question for all of you. But first, the explanation. One day while I was training a CC and a 212th TRO was there, I was trying to walk a CC through on setting up his name. I said change your name to CT PVT and then your name. And my dad, who was in the backround, shouted "CT PVT needs some TP" and my microphone had apparently picked it up. Apparently the TRO heard it and I had to explain what that was. Then, my officers and fellow 41st troops, Pythin, Egg, and Scottish and so did Jefferson and a few others heard about it. We all started to laugh in teamspeak and one of the guys in the channel wondered "how cool would it be if your dad played on the server?". Then another said "you should do that". I think it would be funny to see what his reaction would be, but on the other hand, I don't. So here you are, if you made it this far. Here you will find a poll that you can tell me your thoughts. https://www.strawpoll.me/15604261 My dad is an awesome guy and can be annoying at times, but i leave it up to you - TR 41st EC JT MSG Knight
  4. RP Name: TR 41st EC JT MSG Knight Steam ID:http://steamcommunity.com/id/111020011045/ Age: 16 years old Gender: Male Timezone: Eastern Standard Time (East Coast) Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I would like to be a server administrator because I love the server and i want to give something back. I started playing roleplay a while ago and I thought it was amazing. How people like you contribute your time and sometimes money, to give people happiness from playing a gamemode. Then I realised that not everyone is there to enjoy it. I see minges and trolls and I don't appreciate them as any other player would. I see you guys as the role models of good roleplay and I would like to be one of those models myself and ensure everyone's good time on the server. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a very fair and honest person. And I am also a nice guy and treat people with respect even if they are disrespectful to me. I am honest in the case that if I were pulled for a Sit as a witness or an accused, I would admit what i have seen or what I have done with one hundred percent honesty. I am fair in my judgement of a situation with another person or admin. So if a CC were to start trolling or rush the training, i would tell him to stop or else i would simply put him back until he is ready to behave. If he continues to misbehave and the severity of it is bad, i will kick/ban him for the proper amount of time. Do you have any previous staff experience? I do not unfortunately, however I hope that with this application it will be my first
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