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Everything posted by TheRealOrange

  1. @Fours Isn't the 212th a PRIVATE discord. @BlackMamba @CBlake
  2. RP Name: 212th HVT ARC MSG Orange Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:43807368 Date of Ban: 12-3-2018 18:25~ Length of Ban: permanently. Offense: Advertising of another server. Banned By: ATK Regimental CMD Jackson Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: My "advertisement" was simply a polite request for a bunch of friends to come join a militia group I was invited to lead on a HL2 Server, I was told I needed to assign a few able leaders to help my friends private server kick start, I posted this on the 212th discord as I am friends with everyone on the discord and I wanted help from them to start this militia group up, I am sorry if it appeared that I am trying to draw players away from the community, Those were not my intentions. I would consider my invitation on the 212th discord as a Private invitation to my friends to come play with me, As I've mentioned there was no malicious intent with this invitation. I was not aware that my message would be considered advertising but now that I am aware I am apologizing and will not make the same mistake again. I owe a lot to this community and would never think of harming it by trying to reduce the player count, I hope you take my apology into consideration and allow me to play on the server again! Evidence to support your claims: The message that I posted: Hey guys, so one of my friends is gonna start a brand new Half Life 2 RP server and i got appointed the role of the Govenor of the slums, now i got the task to recruit milita as i've to slam order in the slums and set up basic rules, i thought why not ask the 212th, perhaps some people are intrested. Few things you'll have to think bout though. -This is hardcore serious RP. -Almost no minging, of course fun is tolerated. -How faster you apply, the bigger your rank is, if you seem fit for it. -This is completely different then starwars RP.
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