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Posts posted by Dr.PJ

  1. 1 minute ago, Nyon said:

    Atleast you said Joah and other master, atleast you remove that I did stuff. 

    Also good luck on failing RC tryouts on faces.

    ^ this guy best 1 day mace windu anyone has ever seen just saying xD there where to many masters to list haha. And I got so much shit for makeing you mace windu also haha


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  2. Hello, 

    For those of you that know me yes I am the real PJ so please stop asking me. I after takeing a long break from gmod decided I wanted to get back into it and this is the server I decided to join. So I am back my everyone and I look forward to seeing you all as I have already been greated by so many of you that know who I am. For those of you that do not know me though allow me to tell you who I am. My name is PJ and I used to be a big part of the icefuse clonewars server before icefuse kinda went to shit and I got blamed for stuff that was not my fault so I left. Bellow I will put a little list of the roles I have held on my over a year on icefuse CWRP. But I wanted to tell everyone why I am here and what I plan to do over here.

    So why am I here? I am here because I want to actualy be part of a serious RP experience which is what joah is trying to make. Those of you that know me on icefuse I was quite the minge now keep in mind that was over a year and a half ago now. Alot has changed about me. So in character on the server I plan on being as serious as I posible can. Now out of character like on TS I am still the same PJ that loves to joke around and have a good time that will never change about me.

    I have 3 realistic goals that I want to achive on the server. 1. My biggist goal is to get back to jedi master. The jedi order was always my favorite part of CWRP and that is why on icefuse I put so much time into and revamped it 100% with the help of @Joah and many other of my masters. I want to get back to master and help grow this jedi order even more because there is always room to grow. 2. I want to reach the rank of commodor in navy. Navy was my 2nd home as I love playing on the navy which for some reason not alot of people did which was sad. So I do plan to climb my way back up there also. And 3rd I want to either join RC or join the 212th attack battalion. I would prefer RC because all I ever did on icefuse for over a year was 212th and it would be nice to do something new. 

    Now some things have changed in my personal life since the last time I have played Gmod I am now a college student and got promoted at work so I do have less time in the day to play and will mostly be playing at night so if you play in the day and do not see alot of me I am sorry my work and school rape me. 

    I hope to get to know all of you and I hope that I can help make the server a better place. Chears and PS my grammar skills are pretty bad xD so RIP


    Ranks I have held

    Grand master yoda twice  (2nd time was because of favortism and honestly there was someone that deserved it more so if you are mad at me for that I am sorry do not blame me blame the executives of icefuse)

    Jedi Master Obi Wan

    Navy Commodor 

    212th XO (2nd in command on icefuse)

    CT Commander

    Spec Ops XO


    Staff Ranks

    Clone Wars Head Admin 

    Medival RP Devision Leader (Head of that server)


    Feel free to leave me any messages below or PM them to me if you have any recomendations for what I should do on the server or what you want from me on the server let me know. And if you know me from icefuse we gotta talk and catch up man been a long time. Best of luck :D PJ aka the grand afker

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