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Posts posted by Case

  1. Lets start with:

    Amount of effort: The effort put into this staff app is very low. It almost as if you dont care that much about staff.

    Score -1 

    I like you Ragen but i highly advise you put more effort into this app. Add more detail and i will turn the -1 into a +1


  2. RP Name: TR CG SSG Case

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:67067912

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male

    Timezone: European

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):

    Here are my 2 reasons: 1. I feel like this community has given me an awesome experience these weeks, And i want to give back. I hope to make other's RP expierence better. 2. This server needs EU players/staff. I LOVE playing on this server on American times, But there are some things that could improve on the EU times. Theres almost 1/3 of the players and that not good. Now that i am TR ill try to recruit as many CC as i can and hope that one day they will get far as on this server and maybe oneday help this server like i am trying to do right now. But as staff i could make these eu times more fun for everyone making the time more popular! I know that becoming staff brings lots of responsebility but i think i can honestly do it. Im gonna try my hardest and help everyone as fast as i can when i ticket is created. I hope my work at CG will somewhat reflect on what my work as Staff would be like.  i also want to say that people like Smokes motivate me to help the server, The are an example of people helping this server in the best way they can, I wish that one they i could achieve what they have done.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum):

    Well my name is Justin. I love gaming, And star wars! recently things havent all ways gone so well for me, But arround the time i started playing it has been going in the right direction. (i gues synergy just has a Holy Miracle in its server). I have started Archery last year and that going great! I absolutely love it. I also started fencing 2 weeks ago, I also think im gonna like that ALOT. i leave in The Netherlands in a city called Nijmegen. I just watched the unfinished Clone Wars episodes and my boy am i sad that that was canned by disney. Also watched TLJ recently, I thinks it an improvemed from TFA but still not great. (Im kinda obsesed wih Sar Wars :P)

    Do you have any previous staff experience?

    I have been a Mod on a DarkRP server, I was the guy that checked infamous wall-glitch spots.


    ps. Please excuse my spelling, My english isnt great :P

    If you havent seen me that much its becuase im mostly online at EU times

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