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  1. Ok... TO BE FAIR... Endor was only ever mentioned in regards to the clone wars. once. ever. There is no reason for us to be on Endor.
  2. Name: Spacer Suggestion: Add the 5th Fleet Security Battalion to the server. Implementation: As a Battallion: There are many ways an extra security battalion can be implemented. For one, we have a constant stream of VIP's walking around the ship, often without a dedicated escort, a role which 5th Fleet could dedicate themselves to. Additionally, there are many locations on the ship that have restricted access that otherwise lack a dedicated guard (Although they may have one, I run in an out of this area very often and see nothing). The Armory also lacks a specifically dedicated guard. Finally, an extra security battalion would create a healthy competition between the two battalions, assuming the right leadership was put in charge of 5th, which could boost Shock recruitment and create an extra layer of 'security padding' in 5th. There is also a possible direct integration of 5th Into existing security battalions,, but I have not been able to speak with their BCMD, so cannot fully detail my idea, as he has not affirmed it. Lore: Very little is known about the 5th Fleet Security Battalion. They likely originated first, as a concept in the Star Wars traveling exhibit ("Where Science Meets Imagination"), and were later produced as a toy so Hasbro could milk the Clone Wars cash cow more. Such, the Battalion has earned the nickname: 'Toy Battalion' Workshop content if applicable:https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1178740591&searchtext=5th+fleet Some final notes: My first Note, is that I strongly believe 5th would have strong membership from day 1. Either through the fact that it lives through REG CMD Qal, or that various former members of 5th still exist on Synergy and would likely be glad to run the battalion if given the chance. My Final. Final Note: I understand that to add a battalion, one other must be removed. This is the biggest dilemma here, one that I really don't have a solution for, besides directly integrating 5th Into the existing security battalion, which I haven't been able to properly discuss with them.
  3. +1 Qal is an amazing leader, and I have seen him time and time again bring out the best in his subordinates, including me, when I eventually became a Commander of a battalion. I don't really know how else to describe it. He was my first Commander, and i'll be damned if I don't +1 this.
  4. I did provide evidence I was Qal's friend, but as I've said, had no evidence I was allowed in there. I refused to leave because I knew I was allowed in there, regardless. I understand how that gives you the right to arrest me, but that last part is my thought process
  5. One last thing: Proof I'm allowed in Qal's bunk. https://gyazo.com/7266977a79bbb37385335696d7b8e33f Qal also posted the same thing in ST's discord. Edit: Wrong link 1st time. But, ye.
  6. I'm not just some minge, I'm Qal's friend. https://gyazo.com/f566449bd69d92fb931acda87e04f92a Edit: Im not saying this clears me of the trespassing. But I'm not 'some minge'
  7. I really don't mean to argue. But Alucard, can you please say your peace here, instead of TS?
  8. Qal won't be on today as far as im aware :s he's having a really busy week (such is why he is having is ROA)
  9. I know that isn't how it works. This was my reasoning. Qal has personally told me I'm allowed in his office. From my perspective, I can't and don't need to prove that I'm allowed inside. I understand that YOU don't know that, and I was alright with being arrested, and I wouldn't have complained, as a former shock I get it. But I refused to leave because I Know I'm allowed in there. I got annoyed because I was threatened with arrest in that particular situation and not arrested. (I wasn't arrested then, but rather, afterward in a separate situation.) I also provided reasoning as to why Qal may let me in there, because of 1. My name is literally inside the bunks, I asked him to put it there and 2. I'm channel admin in his subchannel. And yes, I was causing drama. But when told to bring it to PM's, as shown, I did. Plain, and simple.
  10. I have further evidence and a video of the arrest. I have to edit out personal information, but it will be provided. I'll also explain why I wasn't actually trespassing.
  11. I don't want to flame, but am I allowed to respond to that?
  12. I will admit, I was openly arguing my arrest in main chat, so I can see why he thought I was going to continue. But muting pre-emptively... yeah no
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