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About Naruto

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  1. Name:Naruto Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:154574909 Date:2/21/18 Reason for leaving: I don't play gmod that much anymore and I have been working on my dream of being a graphic designer and I want to focus on that more. Farewells: Not really leaving the server
  2. RP Name:212th HVY SPC Naruto Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:154574909 Age:14 Gender:Male Timezone:Eastern Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum):I really enjoyed being apart of the staff team, the reasons were that I was able to make so many friends that I loved to play with and want to play with. Another reason it to make peace with all the members and make sure there is no problems. Pretty much doing my main job and helping out the staff member with their problems and helping out the members of the server.I want to be staff because I hate to see people not getting help with things such as whitelisting and questions. I want to make the experience for players a little more enjoyable. For me, one of the best things about staff are when they respond and look deep into a question. I would try to be like that as much as I can.I want to be a part of the staff team because I have been playing on this server for a while and I notice how great the server is I truly want to help out the community and make this server a better experience for everyone no one wants minges, spammers, and no staff online. I can dedicate my time to help out and bring the experience from past staff positions.Well I believe I should be accepted on to the staff because I have plenty experience with ULX, moderator and admin positions and extensive experiences in RP servers. I am 14 so I am mature and patient that is a crucial when taken sits or dealing with problems on the server. I also have great communication skills as I have taken speech classes and I am use to speaking to different amounts and variety of people from my real life job. Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I Love to play sports, I play for a city team and my school team for Football and Soccer. I Love playing on roleplay server love to chat with people I Love to do stuff and work for rewards and I like to have big ideas and small ones. I like to go big and become someone someday I am working on a youtube channel and starting a series on here soon Do you have any previous staff experience?Yes, (pervious) Icefuse-Mod,Enigma-super admin, Reborn-admin, HLG-elder admin, Urbane Servers- Mod, Gaminglight-Senior Mod
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