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The Real Panzer

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Posts posted by The Real Panzer

  1. RP Name: 212th HVYT SPC Spider
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204488655
    Date of Ban: TS, 1/5/2018, Clone Wars Game, 1/5/2018
    Length of Ban: Both Perm
    Offense: THe only thing I did wrong was RDM someone, which I will admit to. The ban reason was "Minge, Batt Hopping, FailRP, and RDM" Nothing to support mingey behavior, I left all my battlions with permission, and nothing to support failrp.
    Banned By: Baxter
    Why should we unban you/shorten the ban period?: It should be shortened because of the complete lack of evidence for all reason besides RDM. I believe it should only be banned for at most 2 days as it was only one RDM offense of one person. There is no evidence I battlion hopped, frped or minged.
    Evidence to support your claims: None for me besides admitting to the RDM.

  2. RP Name: ST PFC Panzer

    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:204488655

    Age: 15, 16 in March

    Gender: Male (Why is this required)

    Timezone: PST (Pacific Standards Time, AKA California time)

    Tell us why you wish to be an administrator (6 sentence minimum): I wish to be an admin, well, I believe I can help the community grow. I believe this community has the greatest type of players and has potential to overrun that other SWRP. I think could help ease out the players and keep the server fun and entertaining for the community. Not to mention that I have wonderful people skills that I believe will help me solve admin sits and disputes. I am extremely active, which is something the community needs as a staff member. I think I can help the community be more than it already is. This community is full of wonderful people, and I believe I could add to that list.

    Tell us a little about yourself (3 sentence minimum): I am a 15 year old boy, born and raised in New York, my family moved to California last year because of some family disputes. I currently play Football and plan on making that my job later in my life. At this time in my life it's all about looking to the future. I love speaking to other people, toxic or not, and am great with helping other people reach their goals.

    Do you have any previous staff experience?: I was a TMod in Shitsfuse, Mod in UndeadRP, Mod in Gaminglights PoliceRP, Senior Mod in Shitsfuse MilitaryRP and I was my friends server's HA (Sadly dead)

    The One and Only,

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