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Posts posted by Khalain

  1. I would like to request the re-formation of the 101st Battalion, While serving as a CT myself (Khalain) and several others "led" by CT Goofy performed patrols, marching and facing practice, weapon training, and encouraged other CT's to roleplay correctly like stopping a march turning and saluting a higher up etc, after one event where CT's defended the lvl 2 lift and hanger bay 1& 2 corridors the CT's received numerous shout outs during the debrief which we were quite proud of.

    If it were to be reformed, Myself, Goofy and Lapi would be greatly interested in helping form and potentially Leading (with training) this regiment to help train CT's to a much higher lvl before they decide to join another Battalion if they wished.

    As a rule I would say the 3 day rule for leaving a Battalion for another should not apply to the 101st as new recruits should feel free to join and RP with any Battalion they wish without penalty.

    Any Battalion recruiters should be welcome to approach any CT's they see as being suitable for joining their regiment and take them for tryout's, if a CT were to fail a tryout I would suggest the Battalion in question approach a 101st officer and voice any issue's that they had with a CT so that we could spend time with them trying to improve any shortfalls they may have so that they may try again in future and hopefully succeed in achieving their goal.

    Any player from any regiment would be allowed to join any 101st training to improve any area they feel they need to improve.

    101st (as suggested by Admiral Freck, if that's the right name and rank) would be roamers during an event, a support regiment, going where they are needed, or requested.

    The aim would be to make the 101st a respected regiment that any battalion would be happy to recruit from knowing that a certain standard of training has been met before taking on new recruits.

    I had been informed that previously the 101st suffered from a lack of officers online due to inactivity, this would not be the case in this instance as myself and other members have shown interest in making this a reality and play regularly.

    Trolls, mingers and failRPers are an unfortunate side effect of games like this and can never truly be avoided, but after weeding those out and taking on the genuine players we believe a more structured training approach, advice and help for new players would overall benefit the server as a whole.



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