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Posts posted by Romeo

  1. Name: Romeo

    SteamID: STEAM_0:1:563174270 and my SteamID64: 76561199086614269

    How long i have played on the server is i think 61 or 60 hours (I have my hours waived by Kaiser)

    Clone wars knowledge: is about a 8

    Why i want to become a game master and join the team? I want to become a game master in-order to help improve the quality of events and deployments we have on the server

    Do you understand if you are inactive, you will be removed from the program?          Yes, I do 


    Operation DATA BREACH - Google Docs

    This is a multi-layered operation with set parameters mixed with 2 deployments and 1 server event to start it off.

    DAY 1: Operation Ice Breaker is the server event  

    Day 2: Operation Star Stealer is my Battalion specific operation

    Day 3: Operation Uppercut; this is the final full server deployment 


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