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Everything posted by The_Warden

  1. The_Warden


    5/5/5 Wonderful event and a blast
  2. The_Warden

    Zero Hour

    5/5/5 It was a really fun event and I truly enjoyed it
  3. 2/3/5 Interesting Idea but it didnt playout very well with the cloaked guy. Most people were completely helpless.
  4. 2/3/5 Kinda mid but definitely not the worst.
  5. 4/4/5 Good Event!
  6. 3.5/4/5 It was interesteding and picked up at the end there. Definitely a great first attempt, its all uphill from here!
  7. 4/5/5 Great Event!
  8. 4/4/5 Good Event, enjoyed the shoot em up.
  9. The_Warden

    Pelta Raid

    5/5/5 Great and unique event. Top 5 events.
  10. 4/4/5 Overall great event and great distribution of forces / opportunity,
  11. 3/3/5 - We ran for so long to get there just to find some scuffed signs leading the way LOL
  12. 4-5-5 Enjoyed and Laughed audibly.
  13. Yeah that shows nothing... it doesn't hold any merit of evidence either... it genuinely shows nothing? Not quite sure what you intend to prove with uh.. that screenie there.. I recommend installing medal :) So it seems this is RP related and not Staff related... thus a staff report is kinda... Also clone armor is A LOT more durable than you give it credit for if you think you can kick your armor into pieces. Lastly that quest, to the best of my knowledge, doesn't exist anymore / isn't apart of the quest system. Thanks for looking out for the best of the server though! :)
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