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Everything posted by IX_Punisher_XI

  1. 5/5/5 I was the event job, it was great to be serving under the Sigma General and his regime.
  2. 5 5 5 I was drunk, died to a sith twice. It was dope event tho. Fr got me thinking the Sith actually won the entire match.
  3. +1? Nah- I ain't +1ing, I am giving this candidate a +100. Serious note, bro got dreams and I want those dreams come into a reality. I love the idea of making 41st into a Family than a 2nd job to have in my life, doing training because I WANT to do it instead of because I gotta do it just so I can meet quota. He has already taken the few steps to become BCMD, so here's my message that he should be in BCMD and I want him to be my BCMD for 41st. FOR THE REPUBLIC! Former Clone Trooper: Green Company Officer TR MEDL SGM Punisher
  4. Wookey Jedi would be dope. He has my vote
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