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Zedbee The Bumblebee

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Posts posted by Zedbee The Bumblebee

  1. To answer the directly asked questions and clarify my purposefully vagued response/direction in the application, allow me to supplement with the following.

    To expand our Area of Operations, I merely wish to attempt to branch out within or outside our Unit. Whether it's being able to operate with other units, create a set training that we can host, and/or any sort of administrative or physical trainings either supplementary or mandatory is a goal of mine. It is something I wish to address, as SO's only real purpose at the moment is to sneak places and attack and sneak out. I wish to be as fluid with it's operating as possible, as our real life counterparts are much similar - be it the Tier Groups, MARSOC, or other Operators. Maybe officers within different units can visit our channel to get a gauge of our comms when it's at our best to share to their own, as an example.

    With the cycling of Troopers, to clarify: I do not want everyone to be a mindless drone devoted solely to Special Operations. It is, of course, a game and if people wish to leave (which I had to learn is a reality with Garry's Mod) I wish it to be in good terms. Such as a good example: Baelfire was a former Trooper of mine who has shown exceptional tokens of duty. I wished he had stayed to take over instead of myself but the case is I'm one of the handful - my counterpart included. But where I'm willing to train, give people the best experience possible, I want them to be able to branch out to other Units and eventually come back if they so choose. If it's possible, then it's possible - that is the reality of this Server and others. I merely wish to be able to not only bring them in but also ease their transition outward.

    Chain of Command is not simple. Within the Army, there are regulations and "roles" that do not need to be stated. The main structure that I see in most groups is, "If I'm a higher rank, then I have superiority over all fields." That is no such case in most regards in Special Operations if we had a perfect world, in some regards. I hope you can understand my hesitance in revealing my plans to a wide venue. If you're interested in a more detailed version of this, as I'm writing this at work, I'm willing to speak in the TeamSpeak when we are both available.


    Now, Logic, my plan is simple and complex at the same time. I've been in Special Operations to know - give or take - 4 ways of leadership that worked and didn't work. To keep it short: Take from everything that's good, avoid what's bad. What I learned from Freck's rule is that being around and helping out is good for morale. For Ryx, give trusted people a chance to go up but learn to prioritize people who should be given ranks properly. From Stark is to ignore all the proposterous hatred and negative, as no one will truly understand the amount of work you put forth. From Forge is to learn the balance to have fun and keep things different - and have a nice moments of actual RP. Now, from Baron, I didn't have to learn anything because everything was perfect where I saw. Baron and I saw eye to eye and knew how to do what needed to be done. If I had one thing to learn from him, it's to constantly make sure that the Battalion's standing is in good standing - rather than focus on what I feel is good. But I disagree with you, rank has a lot to say in a lot of the matter.

    I fully agree with you, I sincerely do. I acknowledge we can perform better with the numbers but had no idea that High Command did not see it that way. Should I get this role, as much as I'd loathe the responsibilities, as I prefer tactical planning than the politics, I do understand what worked during everyone's rule and what did not.

    In summary: I will take the goods and bads of each Battalion Command by pushing for a constant stream of tryouts, flow Troopers in and out of the battalion as they see fit, learn to both have fun in the game and, as people seem to see it as being "memey" instead of playing a different type of character, become more serious. 

    Even if I do not, I can see what information needs to be given to my new Battalion Commander, and we'll succeed where the other's have given to us.


    And for any clarification needed, feel free to ask me. I'm open to both answering in the TeamSpeak as well as the forums. 

  2. ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

    Steam Name: [SPC] Bumblebee


    RP Name: Executive Officer Bumblebee


    Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:52069033


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Special Operations



    • REDSPEC: BCMD/SQL for a customized RC Squadron dubbed as “Bee Team”

    • REDSPEC: 501st Commander/Acting Battalion Commander

    • REDSPEC: Cuy’val Dar Assistant to Vhonte Ter’vho - Training Officer Shadow

    • REDSPEC: Naval Bridge Officer - In Charge of Gunnery and Navigation.

    • Superior Gaming: 41stGC, 212th, 327th. - Enlisted Ranks.

    • Synergy Roleplay: Shadow Company/Special Operations Executive Officer

    • Synergy Roleplay: 41st “Green Company” Trooper

    • Synergy Roleplay: 104th Mechanized Battalion Medic and ARF Trooper

    • Synergy Roleplay: Galactic Marines

    • Synergy Roleplay: RC-1207 aka “Sev”

    • Synergy Roleplay: Chief Medical Officer - Naval

    • Synergy Roleplay: Jedi Padawan - Counselor before requesting demotion to Jedi Youngling (Their models are too cute.) and reinstituted as a Padawan under no Branch.

    • Synergy Roleplay: Kom’rk Skirata - Under Prince’s Kal.



    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


    To put it in words, with the recent happenings that will not get publicly stated, I feel as if it is my duty as the Executive Officer within this Battalion to step up. Though I feel as though it may be a logical choice to follow the Chain of Command, I’d like to state my position to supplement and aide in the selection process.


    I’ve been with Special Operations for quite some time. I have left for other Battalions a handful of times and yet I have been welcomed by these people with open arms. I don’t see any other unit a better fit so long as this unit is operational and maintains it’s era of good conduct. With the need of a centralized Leadership, as we can’t conduct ourselves as a council, it’s required for us to re-institute a Battalion Commander who gave us the best term since my time prior to this Server.


    I will not be like Baron, no matter how hard I’d like to be. But I have seen the best, the worst, and the in between of this Battalion. I am able to conduct myself within each spectrum and change up between what needs to be done. When prompted to and the effort is required, I can become professional and verbalize what needs to be said. When a situation arises and it requires immediate action, I expect and will conduct myself to get those answers when it’s needed.


    Why else should I be selected? I helped shape what needed to be shaped, despite other’s thoughts. Regulations, tactics, and trainings were done off the  scenes. Anything involve the meticulous usage of communication to convey information was created by myself and my fellow Operators. I am and have been the Combat Specialist of the this. I also know my weak points and have those already within their respective places to replace the best of this Unit.


    My plan in a summary:

    • Maintain and create efficiencies within the Chain of Command.

    • Push for professionalism.

    • Give Special Operations a Leader that they look up to and believe in, not someone they have little knowledge of and cannot operate with.

    • Expand our Area of Operations.

    • Promote Serious and Productive Roleplay.

    • Maintain a healthy group of numbers cycling within and out of the Battalion.



    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    Yes, with how little and how mixed it all is.



    Mondays-Fridays: 0800-1600 and 2230-0200; Saturdays to Sundays: 2200-0200. Should work not call me in, excluding my LOA of the week prior, I am online approximately those times.


    On all times, I will be free to be contacted via Discord.



    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    Since September of Last Year, to my knowledge.


    Do you have a microphone?: A potato microphone but one nonetheless. I merely refuse to speak in-game at night as it requires me to raise my voice to a level to be disrespectful to those around me. TeamSpeak is always an option of verbal communications.


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: In a state of autonomy and capability. We have refinements needed to be done but nothing good leadership and an officer corp cannot handle.

    Short Term: Medical Troopers to be added and updated weaponry.

    Long Term: Prosperity and never be considered for removal - as that would be horrid for the Recon Regiment should they require cloaked personnel. A steady push to have units going into and out of the unit. We enjoy and prioritize steady and committed units but understand if our Operating is not that type you wish to be a part of.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: Yes and contingencies will be planned accordingly.


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, yes I do!


  3. ==========[ Battalion Commander and Equivalent ]==========

    Steam Name: Doctor Blind


    RP Name: Commander Bumblebee


    Steam ID: STEAM_1:0:52069033


    Battalion or squad you are applying for: Special Operations



    • REDSPEC: BCMD/SQL for a customized RC Squadron dubbed as “Bee Team”

    • REDSPEC: 501st Commander/Acting Battalion Commander

    • REDSPEC: Cuy’val Dar Assistant to Vhonte Ter’vho - Training Officer Shadow

    • REDSPEC: Naval Bridge Officer - In Charge of Gunnery and Navigation.

    • Superior Gaming: 41stGC, 212th, 327th. - Entry Level Enlisted Ranks.

    • Synergy Roleplay: Shadow Company/Special Operations Commander

    • Synergy Roleplay: 41st “Green Company” Trooper

    • Synergy Roleplay: 104th Mechanized Battalion Medic and ARF Trooper

    • Synergy Roleplay: Galactic Marines

    • Synergy Roleplay: RC-1207 aka “Sev”

    • Synergy Roleplay: Chief Medical Officer - Naval

    • Synergy Roleplay: Jedi Padawan - Counselor before requesting demotion to Jedi Youngling (Their models are too cute.)

    • Synergy Roleplay: Kom’rk Skirata - Under Prince’s Kal.



    Why should you become a Battalion Commander?:


    With the Chain of Command currently in the works of transition, my application is to serve as a, “New Leadership Proposal.” During my time as Special Operations, both as a Null Trooper Outreach and as a Commander itself, I have helped shaped and formatted certain criteria to meet the needs of more capable Troopers. Despite what many think, I believe that if I am given the role of Battalion Commander of the Special Operations Battalion my goals will benefit and even allow the unit to prosper. As a Commander, officially designated as the Combat Specialist, I have helped create and mold the trainings used during operations. With this, I will be able to tutor and mentor various Troopers.


    This is the case, I have been Battalion Commander before and have had the leadership position in official terms. My idea is to fill up my Officer Corp with capable and steadfast beings to allow for a rotation of duty. I know that I am not as "Active" as those with less responsibilities but when I am on, I am typically doing work or bonding with the Battalion.


    Units that work as a democratic system with small checks and balances allows for unit cohesion. I have many plans for this.


    In terms of inter-battalion relations, I believe we work as well as could possibly be done - with the exclusion of SOBDE. I believe that SOBDE and SO should be able to operate with one another - hand in hand. Little did most of the newer members see, Shadow Company was a part of SOBDE at one point. I want to make sure, if we are not in SOBDE, that we operate as a stepping stone for future prospects.


    I have been in this Battalion since my 2nd or 3rd week being on Synergy and have been in near constant contact with these gentlemen since. I have much sentimentality to the battalion and little leeway to “outside sources” that have not be proved. I want to make sure that Command is set.


    And finally: Promote RP where we’ve always done. Whether it be simple QM, EOD, or otherwise, it is integral for one to have Roleplay on a server based on it. Why be here if not?


    My plan in a summary:

    • Maintain Chain of Commander.

    • Push for professionalism.

      • Similar to Oxen’s Mantra for the Galactic Marines.

    • Give Special Operations a Leader that they look up to and believe in, not someone they have little knowledge of and cannot operate with.

    • Expand our Area of Operations.

    • Promote Serious and Productive Roleplay.


    Do you understand the lore of your battalion or squad?:

    Yes, with how little and how mixed it all is.



    Mondays-Fridays: 0800-1600 and 22300-0200; Saturdays to Sundays: 2200-0200. Should work not call me in, I am online approximately those times.


    Estimate of how long you've played on Synergy Roleplay?:

    Since September of Last Year, to my knowledge.


    Do you have a microphone?: A potato microphone but one nonetheless.


    Where do you want your battalion or squad to be at the end of your term?: In a state of autonomy and capability. We have refinements needed to be done but nothing good leadership and an officer corp cannot handle. Short Term: Medical Troopers to be added and updated weaponry. Long Term: Prosperity and never be considered for removal - as that would be horrid for the Recon Regiment should they require cloaked personnel.


    Do you understand that if you go inactive that you will be removed from your position?: As stated in my previous application for Regimental, yes.


    Do you understand that your position has a three month term limit and you must reapply after three months to maintain your commander rank?: Yes, yes I do!


    • Friendly 1
  4. +1 for the purest fact that SO's only real equal method of "knifing" one is RP. Seeing as Game Makers are too lazy to adhere to any real RP like that for the fact that it's, "Too broken" or "Too OP" a SWEP being implemented would be perfect. It adds to a unique aspect to our already unique Battalion and gives us a lore-friendly, effective weapon.

    Also lets me uses my actual bind.

  5. -1 Not consistent to lore.

    Shadow Troopers have Thermal Dampeners as well as sensor reflectors to hide them from anything droid wise. To say that Commando Droids can see a cloaked Special Operations Shadow Trooper, who has a THERMAL DAMPENER is not correct.

    Attempt at SOME RP wasn't bad, however it wasn't much I can comment on a good or bad on.

    And the Command Droid event job did not uncloak when it is a server rule for any and all cloaked ENEMIES are to uncloak around REPUBLIC COMMANDOS and SPECIAL OPERATIONS TROOPERS.

    • Agree 1
    • Disagree 1
  6. +1, it's a late night event so Passive wasn't a big issue. I liked the simplicity of the event, having Troopers deployed to fight fighters, fend off boarding parties, and even the attempted "hostage" taking. I want more comedy next time around!

  7. Well, I'll still state this even if the application has been voided. But should you repost, this is my piece.

    If anyone should get BCMD, it should be either of you. I'm doing this because both of you are the best candidates to lead the battalion I've fallen in love with (and sometimes out of). I know you boys with bring your own twist to the Battalion and you both are ready and needed in this position. Despite the words of the others on the forum, these are mine: make us great, keep us great, don't break.


  8. If anyone should get BCMD, it should be either of you. I'm doing this because both of you are the best candidates to lead the battalion I've fallen in love with (and sometimes out of). I know you boys with bring your own twist to the Battalion and you both are ready and needed in this position. Despite the words of the others on the forum, these are mine: make us great, keep us great, don't break.


  9. +1, For the time you and Genji had been in Shadow Company, SPECOPS' former designation, I actually enjoyed both of you for the times you both were there and was slightly sad to have saw you left for the places you had left. We might not have spoken a lot and perhaps I should change that, either way, I think you're more than capable to run this position.

    You've been in Omega for a while and I feel this promotion might be the step up to the position you deserve. 

    • Agree 1
  10. The Song

    You know how pissed I am you did this without even telling me. We've had ups and downs, you know me, I wouldn't have anyone else aside from Flowers have run for BCMD. But I understand your point of view. You better contact me with your future endeavors, friend. 

    "As the ceremonial of the changing of the guard, upon each passing Officer. Bravo Team will await your arrival to the gates of our creators. So for our soldiers, here are some words, if your officer's dead and the sergeants look white, remember it's ruin to run from a fight: So take open order, lie down, and sit tight, and wait for supports like a soldier. Wait, wait, wait like a soldier. Rest easy, Trooper." --Bravo Team Officer Bumblebee.

    • Agree 1
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